Daily Devotional

🔥 Satan is the Fallen Angel who,

1. Oppose God and His Angels

2. Disobey God's Word and Wills

3. Accuses the Saints of Jesus

4. Deceive and Work in total lies

5. Self Centered in Carnality deeds and Full of Prideful Nature in life

                  ZECHARIAH 3:2 

And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, the LORD that has chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?

 *NB: Satan is Overcomed by the;*

1. The Word of God in us

2. The Spirit of God upon us

3. The Blood of Jesus Christ

4. Death and Resurrection of Jesus

5. Daily Preaching, Praying, Fasting, Worshipping n living Right in God


1. Thank God for daily dinning with us in His Holiness ( John 12:1-2 )

2. Pray for the Wisdom to honor God in a Right way ( John 12:3-4 )

3. Pray for Ministers of God not be Avarice in life ( John 12:5-6 )

4. Pray to God to always defend you physically and Spiritually ( *John 12:7-8* )

5. Pray to God to help us escape all dead traps ( John 12:9-10 )



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